Lichterkinder Weihnachts- und Winterlieder CD

Weihnachts- und Winterlieder

9,99 EUR

Winter Christmas time: The children of lights have recorded many of their own new Christmas carols and mixed them with traditional songs!

The new Christmas and winter songs like ‚Der Schneemann Möhre‘ simply bring fun into the children's room or are contemplative like the wish list song: ‚Kannst du diesen Wunsch erfüllen, dass sich alle glücklich fühlen?‘. In ‚Danke Mama‘, the children sing a heartwarming hymn to all moms

In addition to 14 new, own Christmas carols, many of the big Christmas hits such as ‚Stille Nacht‘, ‚Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann‘, ‚Leise rieselt der Schnee‘ or ‚Kling Glöckchen Klingelingeling‘ can be heard.