
Lichterkinder Die besten Laternen- und Herbstlieder Tonie

Die besten Laternen- und Herbstlieder

16,90 EUR

Audio figure for the Toniebox:

Tonies are audio figures for the Toniebox. They make listening tangible, because you use them to operate the Toniebox. But you can also collect them and play with them. To listen to the music, simply place the Tonie on the Toniebox.

The best lantern and autumn songs from LICHTERKINDER
Here comes the perfect 2nd TONIE album for children aged 1 to 10 years. With a total of 22 songs, a colorful mixture of fresh and modern melodies, cheerful and also contemplative lantern and autumn songs can be heard.
Who does not know it, the LICHTERKINDER song! It has long been an evergreen in all kindergardens and schools and is a chart hit in Germany every autumn. Well-known traditional classics like "Laterne, Laterne" or the "Sankt Martin Lied" may not be missing, of course. This results in an exclusive album and one of the brand new songs 'Millionen Sterne' is initially only available with this TONIE release.
The LICHTERKINDER songs are sung and presented at eye level by children for children. Everyone is invited to join in and sing along.
In the dark season an album full of light and joy for the whole family!
Because we are all LICHTERKINDER!